

Things hardly changed around at Papu Papu’s village, the people did their best at having a good time, hunting, and defending the village. So, as their chief, Papu Papu had an easy time just catching some Z’s, while everyone did their thing.

…That would be the case, if one of the villagers didn’t come into Papu’s hut yelling about hogs being set on fire!! Getting there as fast as he could, (for Papu that wasn’t too fast) Papu followed the trail of scorched hogs to see… what kind of animal was that?? Raising his skull faced staff at the purple fiend, Papu attempted to get some information out of him.

BUNGA!! Why you burn hogs?! “

{🔥}—; He had tried to just pass through the village but he had noticed a few hogs which had caused a lot of  ruckus upon seeing him with noises they were making, one of them even rammed him with enough strength to knock him down. 

After the little dragon got back up, he glared at the hog and ended up torching burst of flames from his mouth at him making them shriek and run off in all directions. Though at the same time he’d forgotten here on Wumpa Island, butterflies didn’t come out of these kinds of animals. This incident had drawn a lot of unwanted attention as some of the villagers started shouting and running into a large hut, so he decided that was his cue to leave. 

“We better get a move on Sparx.” He said as he started to leave before he was met with a much larger and taller man running out and questioning him. Spyro was sure that Crash had told him about a guy like this before, but he didn’t think he’d have a problem here. “Whoa, you’re a real big guy ain’t ya? But I torched your hogs cause they were causing a ton of commotion and I actually thought I’d get a butterfly or two from ‘em.”

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